An image of rookie quarterback Caleb Williams during an interview

The Chicago Bears chose Caleb Williams as the No.1 overall pick in the first round of the 2024 NFL Draft at the end of April. The potential of the USC Heisman Trophy-winning quarterback has been evident since his early days in high school. From his athleticism to arm strength, William’s early coaches knew he was destined to become a world-class player. The rookie quarterback was highly considered one of the best recruits in the country, hailing from Gonzaga College High School in Washington D.C. Since news broke that he would be spending this season in Chicago, several old stories have begun to resurface centered on his skill and the velocity he was able to put on his throws from such a young age.

One story is backed up by his high school offensive coordinator, Danny Schaechter, who experienced firsthand the power contained within Williams’ throws. Back in 2018, Williams had been warming up during pre-season camp when he directed a pass toward Schaechter, who caught the ball. Immediately, the coach felt a throbbing in his hand and looked down to see it covered in blood. He then realized that the pass from Williams had been so powerful that it broke his wedding ring in two and opened a cut on his finger. During an interview with ESPN, Schaechter retold what he thought at the moment, stating, “I’m like, ‘What in the heck did I do?’ And then I realized, ‘Oh crap, my wedding ring is split in half.” According to the coach, he now wears his wedding ring on a chain around his neck when he is doing anything associated with football. “Because of Caleb, I take my wedding ring off anytime I’m going to do some football stuff,” he said. “I don’t want anybody to break my wedding ring, but he was the only one who actually did it.”

Williams’ arm strength was a crucial factor in the Bear’s decision to choose him as the No. 1 pick in the draft. He already has big plans for his time in Windy City. Williams claims he wants to become the franchise quarterback Chicago has been missing for decades. “My goal is to get as far as February as I can,” Williams said, referring to playing in a Super Bowl for a team that hasn’t taken home the trophy in nearly four decades. When asked what he aims to bring to Chicago, Williams said, “Care, love and support and want to win,” per AP News. Speaking on his new team, Williams revealed he knew a fair deal about the Chicago Bears. “I mean, the Bears were an 8-9 team last year, I believe? Seven and 10, sorry,” Williams said in March. “That is pretty good for a team that has the first pick. And they got a good defense,” he said. “They got good players on offense, and it’s pretty exciting if you can go into a situation like that.”